Criminal Justice Course Sequence

Course Sequence Recommendations

1st Semester – Fall (14 credits)

  • CRJU 1305, Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3学分 (Offered every Fall) (Gateway Class)
  • CRJU 2310, Special Topics in Criminal Justice, 3学分 (Offered every odd year)
  • POFC 1112, Introduction to Criminal Investigation, 4 credits
  • ENGL 1117, Reading & Writing Critically, 4 credits

2nd Semester – Spring (15 credits)

  • CRJU 2315, Community Corrections and Probation, 3学分 (Offered every Even year)
  • CRJU 1308, Introduction to Corrections, 3 cr (Offered every Even Year)
  • POFC 2110, Police Report Writing, 2 credits
  • POFC 2121, Human Behavior and Ethics in Law Enforcement, 3学分
  • PSYC 2618, General Psychology, 4 credits

3rd Semester – Fall (16 credits)

  • POFC 2119, Minnesota Criminal Statutes & Traffic Law, 3学分
  • POFC 2122, Criminal procedure, 3credits
  • ENGL 1118, Reading and Writing Critically, 4 credits
  • GOAL 6, Humanities – The arts, literature, philosophy, 3学分
  • SOC 1614, Introduction to Sociology, 3学分

4th Semester – Spring (15 credits)

  • POFC 2127, Juvenile Law & Procedures, 3学分
  • SOC 2625, Minority Group Relations, 3学分
  • GOAL 3, Natural Sciences, 3学分
  • GOAL 4, MATH, 3学分
  • GOAL 5, 历史 and the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3学分


1st Semester – Spring (14 credits)

  • PSYC 2618, General Psychology, 4 credits
  • GOAL 3, Natural Sciences, 3学分
  • ENGL 1117, Reading & Writing Critically I, 4 credits
  • SOC 1614, Introduction to Sociology, 3学分

2nd Semester – Fall (15 credits)

  • CRJU 1305, Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3学分 (Offered every Fall) (Gateway Class)
  • CRJU 2310, Special Topics in Criminal Justice, 3学分 (Offered every odd year)
  • POFC 1112, Introduction to Criminal Investigation, 4 credits
  • POFC 2119, Minnesota Criminal Statutes & Traffic Law, 3学分
  • POFC 2110, Police Report Writing, 2 credits

3rd Semester – Spring (15 credits)

  • CRJU 2315, Community Corrections and Probation, 3学分 (Offered every Even year)
  • CRJU 1308, Introduction to Corrections, 3 cr (Offered every Even Year)
  • POFC 2121, Human Behavior and Ethics in Law Enforcement, 3学分
  • POFC 2127, Juvenile Law & Procedures, 3学分
  • SOC 2625, Minority Group Relations, 3学分

4th Semester – Fall (16 credits)

  • POFC 2122, Criminal procedure, 3credits
  • ENGL 1118, Reading and Writing Critically II, 4 credits
  • GOAL 5, 历史 and the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3学分
  • GOAL 6, Humanities – Arts, Literature, Philosophy, 3学分
  • GOAL 4, MATH, 3学分